Kingdom Financial Foundation
Helping God's People Understand His Stewardship Principles
Frequently Asked Questions
How many seminars have you done?
We have provided seminars to over 85 churches in Erie and the surrounding counties since 1999 and have ministered to over a thousand attendees collectively through our seminars.
How long does the Seven Steps to Financial Liberty seminar last?
Typically the Seven Steps to Financial Seminar is done on a Saturday and starts at 9am until 1pm.
What topics do you cover in your Seven Steps to Financial Liberty Seminar?
We cover topics such as cash flow management, risk management, investments, tax management, retirement planning, estate planning and the financial principles of Christian Stewardship.
What is the cost of having the seminar at our church?
We provide our services for free, the only thing that we ask the church or participant to cover is the costs of materials (the workbook for each attendee). We ask the church/ministry scheduling the seminar for a non-refundable $50 deposit when the seminar is scheduled which can be applied to the costs of materials.
Do you provide other seminars?
Yes, we have several other seminars we have provided for churches and other organizations. We have also put together custom financial seminars covering a specific topic. Please call or email us what you are looking for and we can discuss how to best meet your need.